Swift ViewModel Memory Leak?

Mario tsai
Apr 15, 2022


It’s a true story. It happens by accident.

class VC1 :UIViewController() {  let viewModel = VC1ViewModel()  func callVC2(){     let vc2 = UIViewController()     vc2.onTap = { (value) in         self.viewModel.callMom()  }  deinit(){
print("VC1 dead")

So, When VC1 dismiss or popup. VC2 and viewModel still in alive.

It prints nothing.

Change callVC2 like this

func callVC2(){    let vc2 = UIViewController()    vc2.onTap = { [weak self] (value) in        self?.viewModel.callMom()}

When VC1 dismiss or popup, Your memory is free!!!



Mario tsai
Mario tsai

Written by Mario tsai

Major in physical education. Football referee. And high interest in looking the world through the numbers.