Swift iOSDev FirebaseCrashlytic from CocoaPod to SPM
try to break up CocoaPod with Swift Package Manager
1, we assume your are using cocoaPod now.
Environment Xcode12+
Save your upload-symbols, we still need it
2, Go to https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk
3. Xcode SPM
select “FirebaseCrashlytic”
So now we have all we need from SPM.
4, open your Pod.file
remove firebaseCrashlytic by “Blank”
and open terminal cd your project, enter command line “pod install”
We need to do this step to remove clear CocoaPod files.
5, open Project instead of workspace and delete “Framework file”
6. But if you want to upload to Appstore,
enter to Post-Action
rm -rf "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${TARGET_NAME}.app/Frameworks/FirebaseAnalytics.framework"
rm -rf "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${TARGET_NAME}.app/Frameworks/GoogleAppMeasurement.framework"
rm -rf "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${TARGET_NAME}.app/Frameworks/FIRAnalyticsConnector.framework"
7. Final, upload your dSym file.
Use 1, upload-symbols file, command line
“where is your upload-symbols path” -gsp “where is your google-service file path” -p iOS “where is your dSYM file path”
8. All the work done>!!!!