# Laravel 簡易筆記1

Mario tsai
Feb 2, 2022


增刪改檔案後記得下 composer dump-autoload

### 顯示路由
php artisan route:list

### new 一個controller
php artisan make:controller ProductController

//做一個ProductController 包含基本的增刪修改
php artisan make:controller ProductController — resource

ps: Laravel8 用router 要在RouteServiceProvider 裡面增加變數 protected $namespace = ‘App\Http\Controllers’;

### new 一個table
//做一張表 members
php artisan make:migration create_members

##### Route Bug
-> php artisan serve 後連接有正常accept close,但是沒有畫面
-> 有重複的路徑 檢查Route 然後下 php artisan optimize 清掉cache



Mario tsai

Major in physical education. Football referee. And high interest in looking the world through the numbers.